Stephanie White
She was presented as “loving, kind, hard working…one who goes beyond the call of duty.” With this on-target description, Soror Stephanie G. White was introduced as Charleston Alumnae's Delta of the Year for 2006-07. A multifaceted program such as May Week gives proper cause to reflect on Delta's contributions to this community, and further, to reflect on the importance of those sorors who exceed their normal duties in order to bring these results to fruition. This year, we are very pleased to recognize Soror White and to share with you why she is special to us and to others.
Stephanie's community services include board membership in Ladies Enriching the Community (LETC). She is also a PTA member at Buist Academy, and attends Royal Baptist Church. She served in many capacities and was a long-time member of First Baptist Church of James Island. Among other awards and recognition received during her employment at MeadWestvaco Corporation, Stephanie received a “World Class Performance” award for teamwork and leadership efforts on an information technology assignment.
Soror White is a tremendous asset to Charleston Alumnae. She serves as 2nd Vice-President, Chairperson of Program Planning, and as a member of the Budget Committee. These positions impact a wide array of Delta activities, and Stephanie has utilized her education and professional experiences to help make positive and conspicuous differences in numerous areas.
A major highlight of this sorority year was Charleston Alumnae's 65th Anniversary Celebration. Soror White was the chairperson of the Anniversary Committee. Months of hard work and planning led to a highly successful celebration. The October event featured an elegant evening of jazz that allowed the chapter and the community to celebrate 65 years of Service with a Visible Difference.
While her work with LETC is an unfinished story, she along the chapter, is working diligently to secure property to support the chapter's programs/activities and the growing membership. Stephanie has contributed in significant ways to this effort, including being the primary author of a document used to profile the chapter and its many activities.
Bestowing the title of Delta of the Year is but one small measure to show appreciation for the dedicated work and leadership that Soror White contributes to Charleston Alumnae. We thank you, Stephanie, for your continued services to this great sorority.
Delta of the Year 2006