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Yvette Miller


Delta Sigma Theta is known for reaching out to others to uplift and help to make their lives better. Our soror Yvette Jenkins-Miller fits this mold directly. Soror Miller also personifies many of the other esteemed qualities of Deltas around the world. For these reasons, the Charleston Alumni Chapter selected Soror Miller as Delta of the Year 2007-08.


She is a tremendous asset to the chapter. As Chairperson of the May Week Program in 2006, she aptly facilitated the planning and implementation of our chapter’s May Week Program. Soror Miller also shares her creative talents with the chapter by decorating for many of the chapter’s events and programs. Soror Miller’s work does not end with the Charleston chapter, for she also serves as the Primary Advisor of the Lambda Omicron Chapter at the College of Charleston. Some of the other committees that she has served on in recent years include but are not limited to: Fundraising, Founder’s Day, and the Minerva Circle.


Soror Miller also is also an asset to the South Atlantic Region as she has served in such capacities as MIT Trainer, Protocol and Traditions Trainer, and a member of the South Carolina IMPACT Team. She has grown very much in Delta and will continue to grow by attending trainings, Regional Conferences, and National Conventions.


Her outreach services extend beyond Delta Sigma Theta., some of which include: HALOS Program, Liberia Outreach Program, Senior Citizens Adoption Program Families Helping Families, Youth Mentor, and Muscular Dystrophy Shamrock Fundraiser Angel Tree.


In her church affiliation with St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, her spiritual leadership stands strong. She is a member of Lay Eucharistic Minister, member of the Vestry, president of Episcopal Church Women Organization, vice president of the Daughters of the King Chapter, Altar Guild Member, co-chairperson of the Parish Development Committee, and Youth Group Advisor.


As an educator, her influence extends even beyond these noted accomplishments: District Recognition for Middle Grades Acceleration Program, selected as Ambassador for Middle School Teachers, Nominated for Who's Who Among Language Arts Teachers, Charleston County School Teacher for 35 years, STEP 1 and STEP 2 Teacher Evaluator, New Teacher Induction Mentor, Seventh Grade Team Leader, School Improvement Council Member Past Vice President of PTSA , Advisor for the Junior Beta Club, AVID Team Coordinator Jefferson Learning, and LLC Program Coordinator.


Besides Delta of the Year, Yvette has received other honors indeed. For instance, she was appointed by the Vicar and the Bishop of the Diocese of South Carolina as the first female Senior Warden of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.


The Charleston Alumni Chapter is proud and appreciative of the services that Soror Miller has rendered to the chapter.


Delta of the Year 2007

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P.O. Box 20672, Charleston, SC 29413 |



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